Deodato.Gallery S.p.A.: Listing Ceremony | 25/01

The first big news of the year is here: we are pleased to announce that Deodato.Gallery S.p.A. has been admitted to trading on the Euronext Grow Milan market.

An important milestone, after almost 10 years of growth, which for us is a starting point full of opportunities.

The listing ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, January 25, and we want you to be there.

"Dear friends,

About a year ago, I decided to start my company on the path of stock exchange listing, I did not know in detail what it meant, I vaguely imagined things, which are indeed what I found, namely:

  • very strict procedures and controls ;
  • quality control of processes by very detailed external bodies;

Imagine the most stringent police or financial controls, multiply them by 10, and you may have a rough idea of what the enrollment process entails.

Art has always been a hobby for me. After 22 years since I sold my first piece of art and 7 years since I created this company, Deodato.Gallery SPA, I also see it as a work commitment. This thing gives me a bit of adrenaline, like the first day of school: you know you are entering a binding path, but you really want to do it and you are eager to do it.

So the stock market is a choice of transparency. I have two mottos:

  1. Be a nerd, not a snob
  2. Inspired by transparency

Over the years, so many people have audited us, wanted accountability, ordered procedures. Honestly, at first I thought, "but why do platforms that operate in Europe but are based in California have similar processes and don't have these procedures? Why is that? Why is that?" How many colleagues told me "don't publish on the sites... then they control you", they were right, I published and they controlled me.

I've always felt that the worst thing to do is to stay in the middle: I stay in the system, but with the minimum of procedures required, or I stay in a relationship, but without committing too much, or I invest in the business, but I'll never sell the Mercedes. Being in the middle leaves a slight bitterness creeping into the soul: either get in or get out, I always tell myself.

These reasons led me to make a clear-cut decision a year ago: ALL IN, a clear-cut credo, a complete future. Many people tell me that, starting with zero capital, zero know-how and zero clients, I have accomplished a small miracle. I disagree, what I have done so far is a very small test, the real challenge starts now.

Some very small businessmen and students ask me what is the secret to growing a business, I have never given a complete answer and as I know there are many around us (I apologize to the many who run biliary businesses and certainly don't need my little advice) I list them:

  • spirit of humility, listen to everyone, even the newcomers;
  • sell the Mercedes, do the ALL IN, otherwise Karma will not help you;
  • study a few hours a week, starting with marketing and technology, or alternatively study production processes;
  • study accounting, this first;
  • if for even one minute of your life you feel like hating an employee or a customer... stop and change something.

Now more than ever, Deodato Group needs you, we need feedback, we need to be observed, criticized, chosen, rejected; we are a newborn baby that needs care and enters the financial world after gestation. We will do everything we can, for sure!"

Deodato Salafia

Presidente Deodato.Gallery S.p.A.


For the first time in the history of Borsa Italiana, you will be able to attend the Deodato.Gallery Listing Ceremony in the metaverse, wherever you are, thanks to Lieu.City technology.

The appointment is Wednesday 25 January, 8.45 a.m.