Deodato Arte & Waterfront Costa Smerlanda

Waterfront Costa Smeralda, one of the most glamorous structures in Porto Cervocollaborates with Deodato Arte every summer. On the evening of Ferragosto 2019, the well-known street artist Mr. Brainwash delighted those present with a live performance. The French-born artist applied the inscription ‘Beautiful’ with the typical characters that usually characterize his famous slogan ‘Life is Beautiful’.

Waterfront Costa Smeralda

Waterfront Costa Smeralda is a temple of luxury in the glamorous heart of Porto Cervo. A charming salon designed by architect Gio Pagani for Smeralda Holding. Besides the Deodato Arte Gallery, many other brands can be found in this open-air structure during the summer months, such as: Ares Modena, Givenchy and Techno Gym.